FREE webinar: Supply chain due diligence – how to mitigate ESG risk. LIMITED places – register NOW
Legislators, investors, NGOs, supply chains and consumers are increasingly shining a light on how corporations are managing their human rights impacts. The UK Government has stated it will issue fines for companies who do not demonstrate due diligence in their supply chains with regard to forced labour in Xinjiang province.
The E.U. has recently announced plans to develop a legislative proposal in 2021 that may require businesses to carry out mandatory due diligence in relation to the potential human rights and environmental impacts of their operations and supply chains. The legislation is likely to apply to all companies operating in the EU internal market, including those from outside the EU.
In a practical sense, the corporate response to the pressing need to address human rights risks and responsibilities is to undertake human rights due diligence across one’s supply chain in order to be able to report on it as well as manage impacts. This is in regard to forced labour and modern slavery reporting requirements under the UK MSA (2015) section 54 as well as environmental legislation.
Register for this FREE webinar to understand how the forthcoming EU mandatory human rights due diligence (mHRDD) legislation and other drivers underpinning the shift to global human rights due diligence impact your business.
Attend to learn from experts how the new Track Record Global/Ardea International online modern slavery due diligence service will support your human rights reporting requirements, help you manage your supply chain risks, and to hear why DFS Group is piloting the model, their learnings and the outcomes.
You should join us if you are:
- Sustainability and ethical managers
- Supply chain managers
- Responsible sourcing professionals
- Environmental managers
- General counsel
- Compliance professionals
- Procurement personnel
- Company secretaries
- Directors
- Non-executive directors
- Lawyers
- Consultants
- Academics
The webinar will last 60 minutes and includes a question and answer session. At the point of registration you will have the opportunity to submit questions you would like to our speakers to respond to on the live webinar.
Unable to join us on the day? We will record this webinar. If you are unable to attend live, please REGISTER and we will send you a link to the recording after the webinar and a link to download the speakers’ presentations and other outputs.
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